These are the tools that I have used consistently in 2009 to enhance and manage my Twitter accounts. I have ranked these in order of how much I value each tool saving the best for last...
Monitter- http://monitter.com/
Find people that have the same interests as you do. Monitter enables you to search the Twitter stream for a set of keywords. Monitter allows you to set up columns that moniter Twitter in real time for the desired keywords that interest you. Monitter is a great tool for finding people who are tweeting about a specific topic. It is handy for find those in a target niche.My Tweeple- http://www.mytweeple.com/
Manage your friends and followers. This is a very important utility that enables you to be a little choosy about who you follow. Shannon Whiteley wrote this application when she found that the Twitter application itself was a little lacking in being able to mange your friends and followers. You can use this to see who is following you and who you are following. The application is simple and easy to use I use this for clearing out followers that have quit following me. I use it for un following undesirable tweeps like porn spammers and others. I have used this quite a few times in the last year to even my following and follower ratios.
Social Oomph- http://www.socialoomph.com/
This application called Social Oomph used to be named Tweetlater. Social Oomph is a great application that keeps on growing! SocialOomph boasts tools to to boost your sicial media productivity. I use Social Oomph for sending a direct message to people that follow me. You can use Social Oomph to also return the follow, post automatic tweets to multiple accounts. This application also does numerous other tasks such as tracking keywords, schedule tweets, automatic direct messages to your followers, unfollow those who unfollow you, with unlimited accounts. SocialOomph is now able to schedule Facebook updates. There is a upgraded Tweet Cockpit which allows you to do much much more. You can filter time lines focusing on just you favorites, forward direct messages to others and mut annoying tweeters.
This is an important Twitter power tool for serious Twitter users witha vast number of features to boost your social network productivity. http://www.socialoomph.com/
Twitpic- http://twitpic.com/
This great application is still my favorite to share photos on Twitter. I know that there are many ways to share photos on Twitter but Twitpic remains my favorite! This is a great application that I use to share photos of events and thjings in my life with my Twitter followers. Along with the photo link Twitpic will post a 120 character tweet describing the picture you are sharing. Pictures let people know what things are like in your life and makes you more personal, I use Twitpic a lot! Here is one I posted in December 2009 "Pactola Lake South Dakota USA Yesterday, beautifully partially frozen.. http://twitpic.com/w3hx4

Tweetdeck http://tweetdeck.com/
This application needs no introduction to the Twitter veteran, there are rivals but I prefer to use Tweetdeck to manage my multiple accounts on Twitter. This Twitter Power Tool ranks number one because I use it almost every day. Tweetdeck allows me to watch all of my friends tweets, my @ replies, my direct messages, Facebook friends updates, Myspace status updates all in one place. Tweetdeck is a power users necessary tool as I can manage all my Twitter accounts from one screen. Tweetdeck allows me to observe all communications intended for me, it allows me to reply while also watching for friends and interesting tweets in the Twitter stream.
Twwetdeck is also able to search Twitter in real time for any keyword, allowing you to find others tweeting about stuff you are interested in or targeting a market for your business. Tweetdeck is my number one tool for 2009 as I use it every day and it make s managing Twitter that much better for me. http://tweetdeck.com/

try autotweeter to.. its a small but nice tool