This word success seems to be what many are striving for and yet few feel they have achieved.

What does the word success mean to you?

It has different meanings for many people and when I get off track is when I start to believe “I will be a success when I make _x_ amount of dollars.” This is just not true, being a success includes making money but I think is only part of the whole package of being successful.

What is being truly successful, is it finally making seven figures a year? Is having a 5000 name and email opt in list? Is it being loved and appreciated by those who are around you?

There are many ways to determine success and I can only write what I think and feel is being truly successful.

I know that finding success is not only making money, athough that is part of being a success. One of the biggest factors of my success story is counting my blessings. Making myself aware of all the little things in my life that are given to me.

The biggest thing in my life that makes me a success is the people in my life that love and respect me. I am constantly amazed at the wonderful people in my life, most would show up at a drop of the hat if I needed them, and I would do the same for them. I think that all the money in the world can not buy that brand of friendship and the bond which my family seems to enjoy with those who are in our lives. That is the biggest portion of my life that makes me a success is the people in my influence. Never forget it and I have to remind myself of this when I start to think life is dealing me a bad hand. I had to remind myself of this fact this week. I have a great group of people in my life that love and respect me. This is the true measure of success. Everything else just does not measure up!

True success is giving back. To those people in your life who care about you, the community, and the world around you. If you notice on our Squidoo lens,, there are two posted donation links. Thats because being a true success means you give and share what you have. The first is Inner-City Scholarship Fund has invested in the education of more than 116,000 students who live in some of the poorest neighborhoods. Helping others is true success. You thought all that success was just for you to roll around in! The second on our Squidoo lens is Action against hunger. An international organization that delivers emergency aid and to people suffering from natural disasters or man-made crises.

These are very important links on our lens because being successfull is giving back. Help with what you have. Not everyone is at the same level but if you want to feel true success I believe part of that is because you are giving and sharing with others. The more success we have making money in business the more we will do to help others.

I endeavor to help those who follow me to be a true success, yes for many that will mean teaching them how to fish. Teaching them recession proof business ideas. Showing them ways to make money online. Ways to increase their bottom line.I also hope to share with you that being a true success is far more than your financial statement. It is your entire life. Count your blessings, give to those that you can.

Be a success story!

What is your definition of success?

Till next time, ride if you dare!


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