The other day I saw a tweet likening a leaking coffee cup to an AMF Harley Davidson and had to respond. Now to most of you that might not register so I must explain...
There were A few years 1970 thru 1981 that our beloved motorcycle company, Harley Davidson was controlled by a golf cart building, bowling ball peddling corporation. Now it probably kept Harley Davidson alive, but in the years following, the company found cheaper and quicker ways to build our favorite brand of motorcycle. Those years were disdained as our beloved Harley Davidson had been sold out to a heartless corporation.
Yes most likely because of this, Harley survived and was able to flourish in later years as motorcycling gained popularity. The bikes from those years became known for leaking oil and being less than the high quality motorcycles that we were so endeared to.. Things did change as in 1981 Harley execs made their move and purchased back the company and in the next few years designed and produced a motor that we know as the evolution that was reliable and didn't inherently leak.. such the saga..
Now if you know me from Twitter you have to be saying "Whats this got to do with Twitter?"
The power of social networking continues to astound me in my personal and business life.
I responded to that tweet and a conversation was started, happens very often right? This one was a special conversation though..

Controversial News and Comment For The Harley Davidson Biker. As we continued chatting, my normal routine is that I look at the persons Twitter profile, links ect to better relate to them.
The tweeting went back and forth as I realized I had just met a person that I believe will be a life long friend. In very little time I think we both realized that we share some very common ground, our faith and our love for Harley Davidson motorcycles..
It is not everyday that I meet someone so in tune with the things I hold dear, I have met so many great giving people on Twitter yet I know that this meeting was the start of a good friendship...
Lord willing Sturgis 2009 we should meet in person and hopefully carve a few miles out of the Black Hills...
If bikes, bikers, Harley Davidson Motorcycles or just real people interest you please follow Michael on Twitter, his profile is http://twitter.com/michaels_feed.
Check out his blog at http://harleythoughts.com and let him now you discovered him through my blog!
Well happy tweeting my friends, the power of Twitter continues to amaze me!